Monday, May 2, 2011

O'Donnell's Bellingham Flea Market Must Relocate

           O’Donnell’s Bellingham Flea Market, after almost one year of business, is in the process of relocating because of increased rent and an extended, said owner Dan O’Donnell.
            O’Donnell needs to find a new location by June 1, he said.
            “Something will work out. Worst case scenario is we would have to take a break,” O’Donnell said. “It would not be the end of the world if there was a gap.”
With the search for a new building underway, O’Donnell said he is optimistic that he will find another good downtown location, which would not negatively impact the community, artists, vendors or musicians, he said. 
O’Donnell said he has a location in mind, but will not disclose where until he knows for sure.
He said the possible location is downtown, but it is in the process of remodeling, which could cause a delay.
He said he will probably know more in the next three to four weeks, but is not sure if the building will be ready by the time he needs it, so right now all he can do is wait.
“He [the landlord] wants to take his chances that he can find someone who can pay more,” O’Donnell said. “I am trying to be prudent about it.”
With 10 years of experience in real estate, O’Donnell said he understands that his landlord is trying to run a business too, and he is doing what he thinks is best.
O’Donnell is not worried about losing customers or community interest because the flea market is “one-of-a-kind in this area,” which is a big advantage, he said.
About 10 loyal vendors occupy the flea market along with a handful that come and go, O’Donnell said.
“If we can stay downtown it won’t make much of an impact,” he said. “Each vendor would just move their own stuff.”
Bellingham resident Brandy Barnes, owner of For the Love of Handbags Boutique, has been a vendor at the flea market since December 2010, and enjoys the fun atmosphere, she said.
Barnes works behind the counter almost every day and sells handbags, wallets and hairpins.
She said she has met a lot of great people and made some life-long friends.
Downtown is the best location for the flea market because it welcomes the local vibe and upbeat environment they strive for, O’Donnell said.
While relocating is not ideal, he has to do what is best for the flea market, he said.
Erin Cummings, a 30-year-old freelance artist, displayed her paintings this weekend at the flea market for the first time, she said.
Cummings said she has been painting since she was 5 years old.
“I found my own personal flare in painting when I was 9 on my bedroom walls,” she said with a chuckle. “My parents weren’t too happy and eventually painted over it.”
Selling two of her paintings pretty much covers the cost of a space for the weekend, and if it goes well she plans to continue, she said.  
Cummings said she doesn’t think she would be negatively impacted by the relocation of the flea market; if it is a success she will go wherever they go. 
Changes to the website, Facebook page, signs, an advertisement in The Bellingham Herald and word-of-mouth will help let the community know about the move, O’Donnell said.
O’Donnell’s Bellingham Flea Market is located at 1522 Cornwall Ave. They are open Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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